Даже летом,пусть и в жару,но можно надеть что-то чёрное из одежды...или даже всё.:) Хотя юбку с футболкой из лёгкой ткани не особо страшно носить в жару,а вот если бы я надела чёрные джинсы,к примеру,то здесь уже пришлось бы изрядно по потеть.
Even in the summer,when weather is hot,but we can put on something black from out wardrobe or let it be everything black,like in my case. :) Though skirt and t-shirt made of light fabric and it's not too scary to wear it in hot weather,but if I would put on, for example,black jeans,so I think I could "a little bit" sweat. :)
Even in the summer,when weather is hot,but we can put on something black from out wardrobe or let it be everything black,like in my case. :) Though skirt and t-shirt made of light fabric and it's not too scary to wear it in hot weather,but if I would put on, for example,black jeans,so I think I could "a little bit" sweat. :)